4 Apr 2011

yes! you are my girl!

do you ever feel like a plastic bag,
drifting through the wind, wanting to start again,
do you ever feel like a paper thin,
like a house of cards, one blow from caving in.

those are some lyrics taken from Fireworks - Katy Perry.
this song makes no sense but it makes you feel more good.
sometime i do feel like a plastic bags.
ouh! it feels so terrible.
sometime my friends didn't care about me.
but at the same time i said to myself, that was a test given from Allah.
and Alhamdulillah i feel better again.
from this i have learn that we can't be angry with such a simple thing.
if you have a best friend.
please treat him/her like your FRIEND.
don't ever you make they feel like a doll. (although some of you friends do look like a doll)